

发布时间:2021-08-05 08:08:00 信息来源:


  1. 开发区标准名称:大连长兴岛经济技术开发区 

  Dalian Changxing Island Economic and Technology Development Zone 

  2. 开发区简介:大连长兴岛经济技术开发区位于大连市西北部,距大连市主城区高速距离83公里,由长兴岛、交流岛、西中岛、凤鸣岛、骆驼岛五座岛域组成,规划面积598平方公里。长兴岛具有渤海湾最优良的深水岸线,港口已通过国家验收并对外开放,是国家级经济技术开发区、国务院批准的七大石化产业基地之一,是辽宁省沿海经济带开发开放以及东北振兴国家战略的重点支持区域。 

  Dalian Changxing Island Economic and Technology Development Zone is located in the northwest of Dalian city and 83 kilometers away from the main urban area. It is composed of five islands: Changxing island, Jiaoliu island, Xizhong island, Fengming island and Camel island, the planed area is 598㎡. Changxing Island has the most superior deepwater coastline. The port is approved by the Ministry of Transport and already operational. DCI is a state level economic and technology zone, one of the seven petrol chemical industry bases which approved by the State Council, important supporting area of Liaoning Coastal Economic Belt and state strategy of Dongbei Revitalization. 

  3. 主导产业发展方向或重点招商项目:以石化、船舶和海洋工程、装备制造、港口物流为主导产业。经济区的战略目标是建成国际一流的石化产业基地、实体经济聚集区、民营经济示范区和创新驱动的特色区。 

  Leading industries: petrol chemical, ship building and ocean engineering, equipment manufacturing, and port logistics. The strategic goal of the economic zone is to build an international first-class petrol chemical base, real economy agglomeration area, private economy demonstration area and innovation-driven area. 

  4. 合作意向需求:世界500强公司、行业百强公司,符合大连长兴岛经济技术开发区主导产业方向的产业类投资项目。 

  Cooperation intention: top 500 companies in the world, top 100 companies in the industry, and those projects which match the leading industries of Changxing Island Economic and Technology Zone. 



  Contact information: 

  Contacts: Yin Changzhuang 

  Tel.:+86 0411 85283216 

  Fax: +86 0411 85281797 

  Email: cxdtzcjj@126.com 











